To be born To give birth

Inform – Educate – Prevent



Our mission is to guarantee women a proper health, both physical and psychological. We organize classes that will guide you through your pregnancy, prepare you for the birth and help you through the breastfeeding process; while respecting your natural pshysiology. We organize also infant massage classes, and offer support and consulting services to mothers-to-be, in groups were mothers can meet and mutually help each other. We offer free obstetric consultation by phone. The aim of the classes is to give mothers a chance to share, discuss and compare their pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding experieces, in order to provide them informations regarding these topics. This purpose will be reached through dialogue and bodywork. We want women to take care of their bodies again and to strenghten the relationship with their babies.

********************************Ci trovate anche sui social:

- Facebook: Associazione Differenza maternità


- Instagram: differenza_maternita


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SOSTIENI L'ASSOCIAZIONE DIFFERENZA MATERNITA' CON IL TUO 5 X MILLE! Basterà la tua firma nell'apposita sezione del Modello CUD, 730 e UNICO, con l'indicazione del Codice Fiscale dell'Associazione Differenza Maternità Modena Modena odv: 94091310360. E’ un contributo gratuito per te ma molto prezioso per continuare a far vivere l'Associazione.


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le volontarie dell'Associazione

Differenza Maternità
