The Differenza Maternità association was founded in Modena in May of 2000, but has been an active UDI group (Union of Women in Italy - Unione Donne in Italia) since 1987. It is registered in the municipal, provincial and regional lists of associations as well with the Volunteer Services Center of Modena (Centro Servizi per il Volontariato di Modena) and with the Non-Profit Sector Forum (Forum del Terzo settore).
As an Association:
- through public initiatives, we explore the issues of motherhood, women's wellness and health in all stages of her life;
- we promote research, projects and initiatives aimed at giving value to the gender culture on health, sexuality, reproduction and overall care;
- we organize meetings, creating opportunities to exchange one’s individual views with women and for women, helping the integration of immigrant women;
- we strongly promote and urge particular attention and cure amongst the citizens and within care institutions of the locations related to women's health and maternity: Counseling centers and Maternity Hospitals.
- we promote debate within society, institutions and the media concerning the leading issues of women's health and of maternity as a social value, in order to foster an improvement in the relationships between men and women, and also concerning the responsibility of raising and caring for a child.
We strive for a greater protection of women, for support of motherhood, with an emphasis on difficult or problematic motherhood, to spread the knowledge of rights and laws that relate to birth and the support of care tasks, for better information about the services present within our area and in health care, in public and in private structures, through:
training courses and activities, networking with other organizations and associations, for workers and volunteers, on the issues of women's health, birth-giving related services and legislation relevant to these issues, the means of listening and acceptance that support giving birth.
Informanascita, offers users a telephone help line and the possibility to speak with an individual to be updated on matters related to women's health, giving birth and support for problematic motherhood and its arising problems, within services, healthcare, legislation and the community.
Informamamma, an office run by volunteers that – thanks to their specific skills (psychological, legal, and obstetrical) – provides consultancy for women and mothers in distress or under hardship, of any type, including psychological, marginalization and loneliness.