The Association “Differenza Maternità” is born on the 23rd of May, 2000 from the Group “Differenza Maternità” of the UDI (Unione Donne Italiane, Italian Women United in english) of Modena, which was active since 1987. The mission of the Association is to promote culture and respect of a woman's integrity, and the center of its attention is to help, inform and support every woman, both italian and not, who is planning to be a mother soon.

Relationship with other organizations and institutions

The Association has representatives in all major institutions in the city of Modena: institutions of the public, voluntary and healthcare sectors (Assemblea del Centro Servizi per il Volontariato e del Forum del Terzo Settore; Consulta delle Politiche Familiari, Solidali e della Coesione Sociale; Commissione Sanità della Circoscrizione 3 di Modena). The Association participates to the committee for the “Piano della Salute e il Benessere Sociale of the District of Modena” (a committee for the valorization and support of familiar responsibilities) , and it participates also to the Modena Health Plans (Maternal-infant care area);

The “House of Cultures” (Casa delle Culture) of Modena

The Association has always participated to the creation of an important strumento instrument of integration and mutual understanding between italians and foreigners: the “House of Cultures” (Casa delle Culture) of Modena.


Among the free services realized by the Associtation, there are: the phone line “Informanascita” and the website “Informanascita on-line” (, whose purpose is to support women, pregnant women, new mothers and parents, even the ones who are undergoing particular suffering, and help them by facilitating their acces to the services of the territory, and by giving the operator themselves all the useful infromation to help them.



Project to create integrated interventions for both italian and foreign italiane women who are pregnant, and for mothers who are undergoing particular suffering.

Menopause project: for both italian and foreign women consisting of regular meetings were we discuss about menopause information and prevention.

Project to support parents with teenage sons/daughters

Updating of the website (



Meetings - debates on:

- breastfeeding, natural birth.

- mental and physical wellbeing (menopause, nutrition, epidural anesthesia, vaccinatios, ecc.).

- prevention: perineal gymnastics and information on female genital mutilation.

Classes for both italian and foreign women, run by teachers who are obstetricians expert in the field of:

- childbirth classes, birth and breastfeeding;

- infant massage from 0 to 6 months.

Creativity labs for parents and kids up to three years old

□ Stage yoga and pregnancy

□ Groups of mutual help for both italian and foreign women to talk about motherhood and menopause.


If you support the Association, it means you are contributing to the realization of positive actions intended to benefit prevention, and information, and that you are supporting the well-being of women and their children. Anyone who wants to support the Association can

go directly to our headquarter

or can give us a free donation by bank transfer (deductible from income tax)


IBAN CODE - IT 42 H 05387 12900 000001028389

or you can give the 5x1000 to the Association by stating the Association tax ID number (94091310360) on your tax return


Iniziatives for women's health and wellbeing

MHG (Mutual Help Group)

- Everyday self-esteem: we offer mothers and women an help to recognize their true value

- Collaboration with Ciao Lapo Association ONLUS which help those parents who have to cope with grief after a perinatal loss


For women of all ages

The purposes of the perineal gymnastic class are:

- to enrich personal knowledge about the pelvis and the perineum,

- to acquire informations about prevention and care of the perineum by listening to your body signlas,

- to provide global informations about the perineum.


The purpose of the classes is to activate women's endogenous resources and support them in the difficult journey of acknowledging their body and needs. We want to provide the necessary instruments that will help the mother make a right and well-informed decision about her pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. We want also to involve dads-to-be in the pregnancy, make them welcome their baby girl or boy, and guide them towards a more responsible fatherhood.


from zero to six months

To strenghten the bond between mother and child, stimulate the respiratory, circulatory, muscular, immune and gastrointstinal systems; and to allow the baby girl/boy to confront with external stimulations and communicate with her/his parents.


Creativity lab

Strenghten the family relationship. Let the baby rediscover a healthy contact with mom and dad.

********************************Ci trovate anche sui social:

- Facebook: Associazione Differenza maternità


- Instagram: differenza_maternita


Sostieni l'associazione!

SOSTIENI L'ASSOCIAZIONE DIFFERENZA MATERNITA' CON IL TUO 5 X MILLE! Basterà la tua firma nell'apposita sezione del Modello CUD, 730 e UNICO, con l'indicazione del Codice Fiscale dell'Associazione Differenza Maternità Modena Modena odv: 94091310360. E’ un contributo gratuito per te ma molto prezioso per continuare a far vivere l'Associazione.


Potete inviare richieste di informazioni o eventuali dubbi, scrivendo all'indirizzo


Saremo liete di rispondere ad ognuna di voi.



le volontarie dell'Associazione

Differenza Maternità
